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Contributing and TODOs


Contributions of all kinds are welcome. These may be a PR to implement a feature or just suggestions regarding features or improvements. If you find an issue with one of the included language configs or have a thought on how to make it better, feel free to open an issue. Feel free to open issues if there is a certain plugin you'd like integrations with as well.



These are things I am thinking about working on and have no timelines in mind for any of them. If anyone is interested in opening a PR feel free to do so.

  • Add tests
  • Improve helpers interface
  • Support none-ls for formatting and linting.
  • Remove the plugins dependency on lazy.nvim.
  • Add a builtin language config for the following languges:
    • Gleam
    • Haskell
    • Erlang
    • Dart
    • Perl
    • Julia