Configuration Recipes
Below is a collection of useful snippets to help with either configuration or creating language tables.
Different Languages Per Device
You may want to use different languages on different devices with the same neovim config. Here is a snippet that allows you to easily do that. This should be put into your init.lua before you initialize lazy.nvim.
local langs = { 'lua', 'bash', 'markdown' } -- Languages you want on every machine
-- Try to source lua/languages.lua which should return a list of strings
local success, file_langs = pcall(require, 'languages')
if success then
-- Iterate through the languages and insert it into the language list
for _, language in ipairs(file_langs) do
if not vim.list_contains(langs, language) then
table.insert(langs, language)
vim.g.lazylangs = {
override_path = 'languages', -- '.' separated path relative to the lua directory
formatting_plugin = 'conform',
completion_plugin = 'nvim-cmp',
linting_plugin = 'nvim-lint',
debugging_plugin = 'nvim-dap',
langs = langs, -- string[] of language names