All integrations are optional. If you do not set the plugin in the global config options it will not be used.
There are integrations with blink.cmp for both the default capabilities for lsp as well as for certain plugins such as lazydev. For this to work properly make sure anywhere you include opts_extend = { 'sources' }
in your lazy plugin spec. This should look like:
-- Any other lazy config here
opts = {}, -- Whatever options you need here
opts_extend = { 'sources' }, -- Whatever parts of the options table you need to extend
There are integrations with nvim-cmp for both the default lsp capabilities as well as for certain plugins such as lazydev. Other than setting it as your completion plugin no other configuration is necessary.
Every language that does not use the lsp builtin formatter has a table with conform formatters in it. No additional configuration is necessary other than setting it as your formatting plugin.
Currently only bash has a linter configured, and no additional configuration is necessary other than setting it as your linting plugin.
For a full list of languages with debugging supported see language support. No configuration other than setting nvim-dap as your debugging plugin is needed in most cases. There may be some setup you have to do on a per project basis depending on the language however.